Research reports
How to assess disabled students without breaking the law
by Mike Wray, Project Coordinator, DEMOS Project (March 2003)
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This article assesses ways in which teaching staff in higher education can implement strategies to overcome barriers to assessment procedures for disabled students. It discusses new legislation (the Special Educational Needs and Disability Act) and suggests that solutions to the problems of traditional assessment lie in innovative approaches that have inclusive teaching (including universal design) as an underlying principle.
Disability officers as educational developers - models and approaches
by Mike Wray, Project Coordinator, DEMOS Project (October 2002)
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Mike Wray discusses some of the issues around staff development models used by disability offices. It is proposed that an understanding of the communities of practice that academic staff work in is important if inclusive approaches to the support of disabled students in the learning environment are to be developed.
Analysis of the questionnaire to assess the staff development needs of the DEMOS universities in relation to disability: online and paper-based responses
by Mike Wray, Project Coordinator, DEMOS Project (July 2002)
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Using online learning to disseminate disability-related staff development materials
by Mike Wray, Project Coordinator, DEMOS Project (April 2002)
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Report on the interviews with representatives from Staff Development Units (SDUs) in the DEMOS Universities
by Mike Wray, Project Coordinator, DEMOS Project (January 2002)
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Analysis of a questionnaire to assess the staff development needs in relation to disability of the DEMOS universities
by Mike Wray, Project Coordinator, DEMOS Project (August 2001)
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Disability Awareness Training : An Online Approach. The DEMOS Project
Presentation to the Fourth International Conference on Higher Education and Disability, Innsbruck, 14th July 2001
by Mike Wray, Project Coordinator, DEMOS Project (July 2001)
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Report on the Current Disability Training Programme in the 4 DEMOS Universities
by Mike Wray, Project Coordinator, DEMOS Project (March 2001)
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Report on the Feedback Obtained from the Higher Education Funding Council for England Special Initiative Projects 1996-99
by Mike Wray, Project Coordinator, DEMOS Project (Jan 2001)
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Current Developments in Disability Training and the use of Communication and Information Technology in Higher Education with relevance to the DEMOS Project
by Mike Wray, Project Coordinator, DEMOS Project (June 2000)
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