Dyslexic students FAQ
Eight Questions Academics ask when marking the work of dyslexic students
Dr Michael Reynier, LTSN History, Classics and Archaeology (University of Leicester),
Fiona White, AccessAbility Centre (EDSC, University of Leicester)
Commissioned for the Demos Project - 16th December 2002
You are a busy academic, with forty student essays to mark by lunchtime. You are confronted with an essay from a good student who seems enthused by the course and yet the essay is littered with basic grammatical errors.
Alternatively, your department uses an identifying tag to indicate that this essay is by a student with dyslexia, but how should you respond? A search of the web returns many websites, all with lots of content. But you don't have time to read through them all. It's confusing. The University dyslexia guidelines are useful too, but you can't remember where the document is, or perhaps it's a little long on abstract concepts, and short on practical help. It's tempting to plough on regardless.
Wouldn't it be good if someone just summarized the key points, just so you know you're on track?
These pages are designed to provide accessible, practical help to academics and a starting point from which to build their own knowledge and understanding of dyslexia. They are not comprehensive. Whenever possible we recommend that you contact your University's student support services for guidance and attend a relevant training session. In the meantime, here are some typical questions that might be going through your mind:
- What is dyslexia?
- Does it affect all dyslexic students in the same way?
- How do I know if a student is dyslexic?
- What might a typical dyslexic student's writing look like?
- What external help is available to a dyslexic student?
- What adjustments should I make when assessing a dyslexic student's work?
- How can I help a dyslexic student prepare for coursework?
- How can I make my teaching more accessible to dyslexic students?