How can I help a dyslexic student prepare for coursework?
Opportunities for students to discuss their anxieties and confusions as well as their interest in coursework will be helpful. In addition, think about providing the following guidance:
- clear oral and written instructions with opportunities for students to check their understanding of the requirements of course work will be helpful;
- go over key words in titles of assignments;
- model answers which highlight key expectations of specific pieces of writing are useful;
- shortened and annotated reading lists will be welcome - dyslexic students invariably find reading a slow, laborious process;
- encourage students to talk to library staff to assist them in finding books and then allow them, where appropriate, to borrow books for a longer period of time;
- marking guides can help students prioritise their time more successfully;
- constructive feedback may enable students to make some improvement;
- a draft of written work could be submitted where feedback on content will be given.
It may be useful to check if there are any adjustments which may need to be made to the coursework brief for the student to be fairly assessed.