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DEMOS Project

Online Materials for Staff Disability Awareness
[Modules] : Assessment : Resources

References / Further Reading

Brown, S. (1999) 'Institutional Strategies for Assessment', in Brown, S. & Glasner, A. (eds) Assessment Matters in Higher Education, OU Press and SRHE.

HMSO (2001) Special Educational Needs and Disability Act (HL).
Online in PFD format: http://www.parliament.the-stationery-office.co.uk/pa/cm200001/cmbills/055/2001055.pdf

Gibbs, G. (ed.) (1995) Improving Student Learning - Through Assessment and Evaluation. Oxford: Oxford Centre for Staff Development.

Gibbs, G. (1999) 'Using Assessment Strategically to Change the Way Students Learn', in Brown, S. & Glasner, A. (eds) Assessment Matters in Higher Education, OU Press and SRHE.

James, D. (2000) 'Perspectives on Student Experience of Assessment in Higher Education', in A. Filer (ed.), Assessment: Social Practice and Social Product, Routledge Falmer, London.

Orkwis (1999) Curriculum Access and Universal Design for Learning. ERIC Clearing House on Disabilities and Gifted Education. http://ericec.org/digests/e586.html (viewed on 29th March 2001).

Quality Assurance Agency Code of Practice for Assessment.
Quality Assurance Agency Code of Practice for Students with Disabilities.

Scott, S.S. (1997) Accommodating College Students with Learning Disabilities: How much is enough? Innovative Higher Education, 22, 2, 85-99.

Sharp, K. & Earle, S. (2000) Assessment, Disability and the Problem of Compensation. Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education, 25,2, 191-199.

Silver, P., Bourke, A. and Strehorn, K.C. (1998) Universal Instructional Design in Higher Education: An Approach for Inclusion. Equity and Excellence in Education, 31,2, 47-51.

Vanderheiden, G and Tobias, J (2000) Universal Design of Consumer Products: Current Industry Practice and Perceptions. http://trace.wisc.edu/docs/ud_consumer_products_hfes2000/index.htm (viewed on 29th March 2001).

Williams, W.M. & Ceci, S. J. (1999) Accommodating Learning Disabilities Can Bestow Unfair Advantage, The Chronicle of Higher Education, Colloquy, http://chronicle.com/colloquy/ (viewed on 14th May 2001).

Zuriff, G.E. (2000) Extra Examination Time for Students with Learning Disabilities: An Examination of the Maximum Potential Thesis. Applied Measurement in Education, 13(1), 99-117.

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