Accessible Web Design : Techniques
Accessibility Techniques
[Please note: This guide is no longer maintained and updated. This version, however, is.]
Detailed guidelines with explanations and examples.
Structure and presentation :
- use approved web standards.
- declare HTML version.
- use structural mark-up correctly.
- avoid the use of deprecated elements.
- use logical instead of physical tags.
- use Cascading Style sheets (CSS) but ensure site also works without style sheet.
- use relative rather than absolute units.
- allow user control over presentational styles. [see chapter on CSS and chapter on relative sizes]
- use metadata to add semantic information.
- avoid auto-refresh and auto-redirect because it confuses users.
- mark up quotations correctly.
- validate code.
- additional coding tips / XHTML.
Tables :
- avoid the use of tables for layout.
If you use table for layout...
- create tables that transform gracefully.
- label data table content appropriately, identify row and column headers and associate data cells and header cells.
Frames :
- avoid frames.
If you use frames...
- provide titles for frames and frameset.
- describe frame relationships.
- provide an alternative for browsers that do not support frames.
Graphics :
- keep number of graphics limited.
- provide text alternatives for images.
- provide alternatives text links for clickable regions in images maps.
- provide client-side instead of server-side image maps.
- avoid animations.
- avoid flickering screens.
Colour :
- use browser safe colours.
- do not rely on colour alone to convey information.
- use an unobtrusive background.
- use contrasting colours for text and links.
- use icons to provide contextual clues and easy recognition.
Dynamic content & multimedia :
- provide text alternatives for audio and video.
- make sure the site is script independent or provide alternatives.
- provide equivalents for dynamic content and ensure they are updated when dynamic content changes.
- avoid scrolling, blinking or flashing text and flickering screens and make moving content stoppable.
Content and language (Writing for the Web) :
- use clear and jargon-free language.
- identify language changes.
- label abbreviations and acronyms.
Layout and navigation / Usability :
- provide consistency in style, layout and navigation
- stick to known conventions.
Alternative input and output :
- provide keyboard access (instead of mouse).
- provide an option for users of screenreaders to bypass repetitive information, e.g. navigation.